Hey, Beary Friends!
One week ago, Mommy and Daddy decided to have dinner at Baywalk Mall after office hours. Luckily Daddy was still having his Summer Break before moving to a different company. So he got the chance to play with Izzy Bear even more! Mommy arrived at the mall around 5 PM; it took approximately an hour to get there from her office in Central Jakarta, to Pluit, in the North of Jakarta.

Baywalk Mall is located by the beach, so we can enjoy the sunset while chilling. They also have a well-known seafood restaurant, Bandar Jakarta, which is the branch of the one in Ancol. However before we grabbed some food, Mommy wanted to feed Izzy first, so we looked for the Nursing Room which they called it Nursery Room, then did a little shopping before having dinner. Before we rate Baywalk Mall’s Nursery Room, I want to inform you that they have a few Nursery Rooms, but I don’t think they have one on the Ground and Lower Ground floor. So if you get the chance to visit and look for the Nursery Room, just go up to the 1st floor or 2nd floor at least, and find a toilet in the middle of the building, that’s how you find the Nursery Room.
*Rating scale: 1 = Not Satisfied, 5 = Very Satisfied.
Atmosphere: 4.5/5
Cleanliness: 4.5/5
Comfiness: 4.5/5
Layout and design: 4.5/5
Range of facilities: 4.5/5
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Judul: Ruang Perawatan #3: Baywalk Mall
Hai, Teman-teman Beruang!
Satu minggu yang lalu, Mommy dan Daddy memutuskan untuk makan malam di Baywalk Mall setelah jam kantor. Untungnya, waktu itu Daddy masih menjalani liburan musim panas sebelum pindah ke perusahaan lain. Jadi dia mendapat kesempatan untuk bermain dengan Izzy Bear lebih banyak lagi! Mommy tiba di mal sekitar jam 5 sore; dibutuhkan sekitar satu jam untuk sampai ke sana dari kantornya di Jakarta Pusat, ke Pluit, di Jakarta Utara.
Baywalk Mall terletak di tepi pantai, sehingga kita bisa menikmati matahari terbenam sambil bersantai. Mereka juga memiliki restoran makanan laut yang terkenal, Bandar Jakarta, yang merupakan cabang dari yang ada di Ancol. Namun sebelum kami makan, Mommy ingin memberi makan Izzy terlebih dahulu, jadi kami mencari Ruang Perawatan yang mereka sebut sebagai Nursery Room, lalu berbelanja sedikit sebelum makan malam. Sebelum kami memberi nilai untuk Nursery Room-nya Baywalk Mall, saya ingin memberi tahukan bahwa mereka memiliki beberapa Nursery Room, tetapi saya rasa mereka tidak memilikinya di lantai dasar dan bawah. Jadi jika kamu mendapat kesempatan untuk mengunjungi mal tersebut dan mencari Nursing Room, cukup naik ke lantai 1 atau lantai 2, dan temukan toilet di tengah gedung, itulah cara kamu menemukan Nursery Room-nya.
*Skala penilaian: 1 = Tidak Puas, 5 = Sangat Puas.
Suasana: 4,5/5
Kebersihan: 4,5/5
Kelayakan: 4,5/5
Layout dan desain: 4.5/5
Berbagai fasilitas: 4.5/5
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