Welcome to Hotel Europa Munich! We stayed here for 4 days 3 nights during winter holiday, from December 28 until 31, 2018. After checking in, we got to our room and found that one of our room windows that was facing towards the road was open! The cold air got the chance to blow into our room, and made our room even colder. Aside from that, the location was quite strategic, being only a few yards from the next tram stop, and walking distance to Koenigsplatz. You couldn’t really hear the traffic from the road either, or from the trams depsite the closeness. Overall, the hotel was neat and clean, and we enjoyed our stay. I liked the little chocolates they put on our bed as their welcome greetings.
Selamat Datang di Hotel Europa Munich! Kami tinggal di sini selama 4 hari 3 malam selama liburan musim dingin, dari tanggal 28 Desember sampai 31, 2018. Setelah check-in, kami sampai di kamar kami dan menemukan bahwa salah satu jendela kamar kami yang menghadap ke jalan terbuka! Udara dingin mendapat kesempatan untuk bertiup ke kamar kami, dan membuat kamar kami semakin dingin. Selain itu, lokasinya cukup strategis, hanya beberapa meter dari halte trem berikutnya, dan dapat berjalan kaki ke Koenigsplatz. Kamu tidak dapat benar-benar mendengar lalu lintas dari jalan, atau dari trem di dekat hotel. Secara keseluruhan, hotel ini rapi dan bersih, dan kami menikmati penginapan kami. Saya menyukai cokelat kecil yang mereka taruh di tempat tidur kami sebagai salam selamat datang.
Hotel Europa
Dachauer Str. 115, 80335 Munchen, Germany
Star / Bintang: ★★★★
Room / Ruangan: Standard Double Room
Review [/5] / Ulasan [/5]:
Exterior and interior design: 3.5/5
Desain eksterior dan interior: 3.5/5
Facilities: 3.5/5
Fasilitas: 3.5/5
Toiletries: 4/5
Perlengkapan Mandi: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Makanan: 4/5
Service: 4.5/5
Servis: 4.5/5
Cleanliness: 4.5/5
Kebersihan: 4.5/5
Location: 4/5
Lokasi: 4/5
Value for money: 3.5/5
Nilai uang: 3.5/5
Price per night: 1, 700, 000 IDR.
Harga per malam: Rp. 1. 700. 000.
(+) Strategic but inexpensive.
(-) Our room window was open when we arrived, and the access card was just the empty boring white card.
(+) Strategis tapi tidak mahal.
(-) Jendela kamar kami terbuka ketika kami tiba, dan kartu akses hanya kartu berwarna putih kosong yang membosankan.
Terima kasih telah mampir. <3
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