It was 12:35 PM when our Amtrak train reached Washington DC, the capital city of the United States. We were so excited! Especially Daddy, he couldn’t wait to visit DC and kept saying that I would definitely prefer DC than NY, as he would.

(+) The complimentary coffee and tea were from Starbucks, they even provided a coffee maker in our room. In the shower, they provided nail polish remover and make/up remover wipes. I also liked their natural body wash, conditioner and shampoo. The beds were big: 2 queen beds. The hotel is close to the National Mall (Including: the museums).
Saat itu pukul 12:35 siang ketika kereta Amtrak kami sampai di Washington DC, ibu kota Amerika Serikat. Kami sangat bersemangat! Terutama Daddy, dia tidak sabar untuk mengunjungi DC dan terus mengatakan bahwa saya pasti akan lebih memilih DC daripada NY, seperti dia.
When we got to the Union station, we were welcomed by a beautiful, huge Christmas tree in the hall, and when we went out of the station, the beautiful winter and its sunshine were welcoming us too. That was a good start DC! We fell in love, indeed! We took all our belongings and followed our GPS to our hotel which was located in the same area as the station, in Capitol Hill. Relatively speaking, it’s walking distance from the station. So we walked!
Ketika kami sampai di stasiun Union, kami disambut oleh pohon Natal yang indah dan besar di aula, dan ketika kami keluar dari stasiun, musim dingin yang indah dan sinar matahari menyambut kami juga. Itu awal yang baik DC! Kami jatuh cinta, memang! Kami mengambil semua barang milik kami dan mengikuti GPS kami ke hotel kami yang terletak di area yang sama dengan stasiun, di Capitol Hill. Secara relatif, jaraknya berjalan kaki dari stasiun. Jadi kami berjalan kaki!
After around 10 minutes of walking, we finally saw the hotel sign, Hyatt, on the top right corner of the front building. As we entered the building, we faced a huge mezannine, and we quickly realized that the lobby is on the lower ground. There were stairs and escalators in front of us. The staff told us that we could go to the disabled enterance from outside, since we had a baby stroller. However Daddy prefered to lift it up and walked down the stairs. Oh well, might as well, since we were already in there.
Setelah sekitar 10 menit berjalan, kami akhirnya melihat tanda hotel, Hyatt, di sudut kanan atas bangunan depan. Ketika kami memasuki gedung, kami menghadapi mezannine besar, dan kami segera menyadari bahwa lobi ada di lantai bawah. Ada tangga dan eskalator di depan kami. Staf mengatakan kepada kami bahwa kami dapat pergi ke pintu masuk orang cacat dari luar, karena kami memiliki kereta bayi. Namun, Daddy lebih memilih mengangkatnya dan berjalan menuruni tangga. Oh well, lebih baik sekalian, karena kami sudah ada di sana.
Hyatt Regency Washington On Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001, United States.
Star / Bintang: ★★★★
Room / Ruangan: 2 double beds
Check-in time / Waktu check-in: 3 PM
Check-out time / Waktu check-out: 12 PM
The destination fee was $22.99, per room, per night. We stayed there for 3 nights, for that reason we paid the fee times 3. The receptionists were very friendly and obliging, they took the initiative to give us some suggestions and information about the city.
Biaya tujuannya adalah $ 22,99, per kamar, per malam. Kami tinggal di sana selama 3 malam, untuk alasan itu kami membayar biaya kali 3. Resepsionis sangat ramah dan membantu, mereka mengambil inisiatif untuk memberi kami beberapa saran dan informasi tentang kota.
Review [/5] / Ulasan [/5]:
Exterior and interior design: 4/5
Desain eksterior dan interior: 4/5
Facilities: 4.5/5
Fasilitas: 4.5/5
Toiletries: 4.5/5
Perlengkapan Mandi: 4.5/5
Food: 4/5
Makanan: 4/5
Service: 4.5/5
Servis: 4.5/5
Cleanliness: 4.5/5
Kebersihan: 4.5/5
Location: 4.5/5
Lokasi: 4.5/5
Value for money: 4.5/5
Nilai uang: 4.5/5
Price per night: 1,720,000 IDR / US$125.3
Harga per malam: Rp. 1.720.000.
(+) The complimentary coffee and tea were from Starbucks, they even provided a coffee maker in our room. In the shower, they provided nail polish remover and make/up remover wipes. I also liked their natural body wash, conditioner and shampoo. The beds were big: 2 queen beds. The hotel is close to the National Mall (Including: the museums).
(-) The hotel was quite old, heaviest door in DC.

We had the hotel breakfast on our first morning of staying. We chose to pay for the buffet. It was quite nice. Although they did not have many selections, but at least the server always came to fill up my fresh orange juice. We paid $26 per person (exclude the tip). Not too bad, I guess. But once was enough. We had our next breakfasts elsewhere, and had lunch at other restaurants nearby our hotel or the museums, and ordered UberEats for dinners - all just for a bit of variety. Check my Washington DC writing for further information about ordering UberEats (Coming soon!). Overall it was a nice stay and the hotel was pleasant. We would be happy to stay there again for sure!
(+) Kopi dan teh gratis dari Starbucks, mereka bahkan menyediakan pembuat kopi di kamar kami. Di kamar mandi, mereka menyediakan penghapus cat kuku dan pembersih make-up. Saya juga menyukai sabun, kondisioner, dan sampo alami mereka. Tempat tidurnya besar: 2 tempat tidur queen. Hotel ini dekat dengan National Mall (Termasuk: museum).
(-) Hotel itu cukup tua, pintu terberat di DC.
We had the hotel breakfast on our first morning of staying. We chose to pay for the buffet. It was quite nice. Although they did not have many selections, but at least the server always came to fill up my fresh orange juice. We paid $26 per person (exclude the tip). Not too bad, I guess. But once was enough. We had our next breakfasts elsewhere, and had lunch at other restaurants nearby our hotel or the museums, and ordered UberEats for dinners - all just for a bit of variety. Check my Washington DC writing for further information about ordering UberEats (Coming soon!). Overall it was a nice stay and the hotel was pleasant. We would be happy to stay there again for sure!
Kami sarapan hotel pada pagi pertama kami tinggal. Kami memilih untuk membayar prasmanan. Itu cukup bagus. Meskipun mereka tidak memiliki banyak pilihan, tetapi setidaknya pelayan selalu datang untuk mengisi jus jeruk segar saya. Kami membayar $26 per orang (tidak termasuk tip). Tidak terlalu buruk, kurasa. Tapi satu kali sudah cukup. Kami sarapan berikutnya di tempat lain, dan makan siang di restoran lain di dekat hotel kami atau museum, dan memesan UberEats untuk makan malam - semua hanya untuk sedikit variasi. Periksa tulisan Washington DC saya untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang memesan UberEats (Segera hadir!). Secara keseluruhan itu adalah pengalaman menginap yang menyenangkan dan hotel itu menyenangkan. Kami pasti akan senang menginap di sana lagi!
Alright then, I’m out of here! Bye for now!
Baiklah, saya keluar dari sini! Selamat tinggal untuk sekarang!
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