Room Service: 3/5 - We did not order in-room dining this time, as we preferred to order food from somewhere else. However, we requested some bowls and spoons, it took almost half an hour to get them delivered after we called for the second time. Plus, they did not deliver the correct amount of bowls that we requested on our first call. It was definitely not a comfortable experience when you were hungry.
Servis Kamar: 3/5 - Kami tidak memesan makan di kamar kali ini, karena kami lebih suka memesan makanan dari tempat lain. Namun, kami meminta beberapa mangkuk dan sendok, butuh waktu hampir setengah jam untuk mengirimkannya setelah kami menelepon untuk kedua kalinya. Ditambah, mereka tidak mengirimkan jumlah mangkuk yang benar seperti yang kami minta pada panggilan pertama kami. Itu pasti bukan pengalaman yang nyaman ketika kamu lapar.
We really enjoyed our 3D2N stay! Thank you Bunda for asking us to accompany her on her 2nd and 3rd day of her stay. We will definitely be back again one day, and will try to enjoy all the amenities next time. ;)
Bunda (my mom) is in town again! She had some meetings to attend. She informed us that she was coming to Jakarta, one day before her arrival date. This time she has been staying at Ascott Kuningan (on top of Lotte Shopping Avenue) from 2 days ago, and will be staying for another 2 nights, and she asked us to join her. I’m happy to have another free staycation, and it’s technically our first staycation in 2021. Although the location is just a stone’s throw from our place, we still enjoyed our stay, as we got a slightly different view, plus the outdoor playground stole my heart.
Bunda (ibuku) ada di kota lagi! Dia harus menghadiri beberapa pertemuan. Dia memberi tahu kami bahwa dia akan datang ke Jakarta, sehari sebelum tanggal kedatangannya. Kali ini dia menginap di Ascott Kuningan (di atas Lotte Shopping Avenue) dari 2 hari yang lalu, dan akan menginap selama 2 malam lagi, dan dia meminta kami untuk bergabung dengannya. Saya senang mendapatkan staycation gratis lagi, dan secara teknis ini adalah staycation pertama kami di tahun 2021. Meskipun lokasinya hanya sepelemparan batu dari tempat kami, kami tetap menikmati masa menginap kami, karena kami mendapat pemandangan yang sedikit berbeda, ditambah taman bermain luar ruangan yang mencuri hatiku.
Can you spot Izzy Bear?
1 Bedroom Deluxe Apartment
(Breakfast included for two)
(Termasuk sarapan untuk berdua)
Price per night: 1,100,000 IDR (My mom paid for the hotel, so it’s technically a free stay for us).
Harga per malam: Rp. 1,100,000 (Bunda saya membayar hotelnya, jadi secara teknis kami menginap gratis).
Rating (/5) - Comment | Nilai (/5) - Komentar
1. The Room:
Layout and Interior: 4/5 - 50 m²/ 538 ft². The lounge area is not too big, and was pretty basic, but the size is enough. I like the big balcony and the super king size bed. It fits for 3 adults. The kitchen area was spacious too.
The View: 4/5 - Our room view was quite nice, not the best one though, as it was facing the different angle of the Kuningan area compared to our apartment. The skyscrapers look good, but I’m not a fan of their residences area view. They are not aesthetically tidy.
1. Ruangan:
Tata ruang dan bagian dalamnya: 4/5 - 50 m²/538 ft². Area ruang duduk tidak terlalu besar, dan cukup sederhana, tetapi ukurannya cukup. Saya suka balkon besar dan tempat tidur ukuran super king. Muat untuk 3 orang dewasa. Area dapur juga luas.
Pemandangannya: 4/5 - Pemandangan kamar kami cukup bagus, bukan yang terbaik, karena menghadap ke sudut yang berbeda dari kawasan Kuningan dibandingkan dengan apartemen kami. Pencakar langit terlihat bagus, tapi saya bukan penggemar pemandangan area tempat tinggal mereka. Mereka tidak rapi secara estetika.
Bathroom: 4/5 - The bathroom has two doors: one to the living room, and the other one is a connecting door to the bedroom. The size is quite big, and it has a nice big bathtub, bigger than our apartment’s, and we like their big shower. But they did not do a good job with the sink, it was not that clean. I noticed some hidden stains in the sink, under the marble table that was connected to the sink.
Kamar Mandi: 4/5 - Kamar mandi memiliki dua pintu: satu ke ruang tamu, dan yang lainnya adalah pintu penghubung ke kamar tidur. Ukurannya cukup besar, dan memiliki bak mandi besar yang bagus, lebih besar dari bak mandi apartemen kami, dan kami suka pancuran besar mereka. Namun mereka tidak melakukan kerja yang baik pada wastafelnya, tidak terlalu bersih. Saya memperhatikan beberapa noda tersembunyi di dalam wastafel, di bawah meja marmer yang terhubung ke wastafel.
Toiletries: 3.5/5 - They gave us two different shampoo packs. They were okay. There was no conditioner or body lotion though, which is a shame.
Perlengkapan Mandi: 3.5/5 - Mereka memberi kami dua bungkus sampo yang berbeda. Mereka biasa saja. Tidak ada conditioner atau body lotion, yang mana disayangkan.
Room Service: 3/5 - We did not order in-room dining this time, as we preferred to order food from somewhere else. However, we requested some bowls and spoons, it took almost half an hour to get them delivered after we called for the second time. Plus, they did not deliver the correct amount of bowls that we requested on our first call. It was definitely not a comfortable experience when you were hungry.
Servis Kamar: 3/5 - Kami tidak memesan makan di kamar kali ini, karena kami lebih suka memesan makanan dari tempat lain. Namun, kami meminta beberapa mangkuk dan sendok, butuh waktu hampir setengah jam untuk mengirimkannya setelah kami menelepon untuk kedua kalinya. Ditambah, mereka tidak mengirimkan jumlah mangkuk yang benar seperti yang kami minta pada panggilan pertama kami. Itu pasti bukan pengalaman yang nyaman ketika kamu lapar.
2. Amenities:
Breakfast: 3/5 - Just like the other Ascott serviced apartment, the breakfast was delivered to our room during pandemic. We had to call them to inquire about the menu. Nothing special with the menu, but I enjoyed my first breakfast menu: the healthy smoothie bowl. Other than that, it was just standard. Don’t expect much.
Swimming Pool: 4.5/5 - The size of the pool is quite big. We did not get the chance to swim though, as the weather had not been nice.
Gym: 4.5/5 - I like that they have indoor and outdoor gym area by the pool. The gym was quite busy, but at least I got a nice covered outdoor spot, next to the dumbbells.
Basketball Court: 4.5/5 - Izzy was a happy chappy, in fact, all of us enjoyed playing basketball for awhile (Including Bunda, my Mom, who used to play basketball when she was young). That was before the rain started to pour again.
Tennis Court: 4.5/5 - It was next to the basketball court, looks good. We should bring our own rackets next time we stay. Bunda can teach us to play, as she loves playing tennis.
Outdoor Playground: 5/5 - One of the best outdoor playgrounds we have been to in Jakarta. It’s big and colorful! Plus it has a nice view, as it’s located on the rooftop.
2. Fasilitas:
Sarapan Pagi: 3/5 - Sama seperti apartemen berlayanan Ascott lainnya, sarapan dikirim ke kamar kami selama pandemi. Kami harus menelepon mereka untuk menanyakan tentang menu. Tidak ada yang istimewa dengan menunya, tetapi saya menikmati menu sarapan pertama saya: mangkuk smoothie yang sehat. Selain itu, hanya standar. Jangan berharap banyak.
Kolam Renang: 4.5/5 - Ukuran kolamnya cukup besar. Kami tidak sempat berenang, karena cuaca tidak bagus.
Gym: 4.5/5 - Saya suka mereka memiliki area gym dalam dan luar ruangan di tepi kolam renang. Gym cukup sibuk, tapi setidaknya saya mendapat tempat luar ruangan terlindungi yang bagus, di sebelah barbel.
Lapangan Bola Basket: 4.5/5 - Izzy bahagia, nyatanya kami semua senang bermain basket untuk sebentar (Termasuk Bunda, Ibuku, yang dulu bermain basket ketika dia masih muda). Itu sebelum hujan mulai turun lagi.
Lapangan Tennis: 4.5/5 - berada di sebelah lapangan basket, terlihat bagus. Kami harus membawa raket kami sendiri lain kali ketika kami menginap. Bunda bisa mengajari kami bermain, karena dia suka bermain tenis.
Taman Bermain Luar Ruangan: 5/5 - Salah satu taman bermain luar ruangan terbaik yang pernah kami kunjungi di Jakarta. Besar dan penuh warna! Ditambah memiliki pemandangan yang bagus, karena terletak di atap.
3. Location: 5/5 - It’s in the Kuningan area, and is connected to the mall, Lotte Shopping Avenue. We can reach the place from two different directions, which is useful if we want to avoid the traffic.
4. Overall service: 4/5 - It was not the best experience if it comes to service, but at least they are all quite friendly and polite.
5. Value: 4.5/5 - It’s quite cheap, considering all the amenities that they have. I guess that is one of the reasons why my brother, his wife and kids often come back to this hotel, and they even stayed there for a week. This hotel is definitely one of the best family focused hotels.
3. Lokasi: 5/5 - Berada di daerah Kuningan, dan terhubung ke mal, Lotte Shopping Avenue. Kita bisa mencapai tempat tersebut dari dua arah yang berbeda, yang berguna jika kita ingin menghindari kemacetan.
4. Servis Secara Keseluruhan: 4/5 - Itu bukan pengalaman terbaik jika menyangkut layanan, tapi setidaknya mereka semua cukup ramah dan sopan.
5. Harga: 4.5/5 - Harganya cukup murah, mengingat semua fasilitas yang mereka miliki. Saya rasa itulah salah satu alasan mengapa adik saya, istrinya dan anak-anaknya sering kembali menginap di hotel ini, bahkan mereka menginap di sana selama seminggu. Hotel ini jelas merupakan salah satu hotel terbaik yang berfokus pada keluarga.
We really enjoyed our 3D2N stay! Thank you Bunda for asking us to accompany her on her 2nd and 3rd day of her stay. We will definitely be back again one day, and will try to enjoy all the amenities next time. ;)
Kami benar-benar menikmati kunjungan 3H2M kami! Terima kasih Bunda telah meminta kami untuk menemaninya di hari ke-2 dan ke-3 dia menginap. Kami pasti akan kembali lagi suatu hari nanti, dan akan mencoba untuk menikmati semua fasilitas lain kali. ;)
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