Hi! Our second hotel in Labuan Bajo was a 4-star hotel nearby the airport. After asking around and doing a little online research, we decided to choose Bintang Flores hotel. It was actually a quite decent hotel, as it has its own beach, and the swimming pool and garden were nice, although we did not really get the chance to experience the pool, since it was our last couple days in Flores island.
Hai! Hotel kedua kami di Labuan Bajo adalah hotel bintang 4 di dekat bandara. Setelah bertanya-tanya dan melakukan sedikit riset online, kami memutuskan untuk memilih hotel Bintang Flores. Itu sebenarnya hotel yang cukup bagus, karena memiliki pantai sendiri, dan kolam renang dan tamannya bagus, meskipun kami tidak benar-benar mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menikmati kolam renangnya, karena itu adalah beberapa hari terakhir kami di pulau Flores.
It was pouring it down when we moved to the hotel, and nobody was standing in the lobby to collect our suitcases, so our driver helped us to unload our suitcases from the car boot and carried them up the stairs. When we got to the reception, there was finally a bell boy who took over our belongings. It seemed like they were short staffed or something. The receptionist was so straight forward, she kind of remind me of my strict teacher at school back then. LOL. No smile, but she did her job quick. I guess that was alright and good enough for me. I honestly didn’t expect more. We got our room access cards: our room was located on the 5th floor, and there were a couple elevators in the lobby, though both were a bit more compact and dated. The one facing the garden has a nice view though. The alley to our room was outdoors, and it was nice that the hotel was surrounded by many plants and trees.
Hujan turun ketika kami pindah ke hotel tersebut, dan tidak ada yang berdiri di lobi untuk mengambil koper kami, jadi sopir kami membantu kami menurunkan koper dari bagasi mobil dan membawanya menaiki tangga. Ketika kami sampai di bagian resepsionis, akhirnya ada bell boy yang mengambil barang-barang kami. Sepertinya mereka kekurangan staf atau semacamnya. Resepsionisnya sangat lugas, dia mengingatkan saya pada guru saya yang galak di sekolah dulu. Hahaha. Tidak senyum, tapi dia melakukan pekerjaannya dengan cepat. Saya kira itu oke-oke saja dan cukup baik untuk saya. Sejujurnya saya tidak berharap lebih. Kami mendapat kartu akses kamar kami: kamar kami terletak di lantai 5, dan ada beberapa lift di lobi, meskipun keduanya agak kecil dan kuno. Yang menghadap ke taman memiliki pemandangan yang bagus. Jalan kecil ke kamar kami berada di luar ruangan, dan bagusnya hotel tersebut dikelilingi oleh banyak tanaman dan pohon.
Bintang Flores Hotel
Jl. Pantai Pede, Labuan Bajo, Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Star / Bintang: ★★★★
Room / Ruangan: Deluxe Double
Check-in time / Waktu check-in: 2 PM
Check-out time / Waktu check-out: 12 PM
Review [/5] / Ulasan [/5]:
Exterior and interior design: 3.5/5
Desain eksterior dan interior: 3.5/5
Facilities: 4/5
Fasilitas: 4/5
Toiletries: 2.5/5
Perlengkapan Mandi: 2.5/5
Food: 3.5/5
Makanan: 3.5/5
Service: 4/5
Servis: 4/5
Cleanliness: 3.5/5
Kebersihan: 3.5/5
Location: 4/5
Lokasi: 4/5
Value for money: 4.5/5
Nilai uang: 4.5/5
Price per night: 646,452
Harga per malam: Rp. 646.452
(+) Love the bed size, as it was huge! Well maintained garden and the pool area was nice. I just realized that our room has a big window that actually can be opened widely, therefore our room would feel like an outdoor room.
(-) They did not provide shower gel and shampoo. Our shower room tiles looked a bit muddy, which I guess was an old stain. The beach was not the cleanest too, Daddy found broken glass, which was a bit dangerous. They also didn’t provide many towels.
(+) Suka dengan ukuran tempat tidurnya, karena sangat besar! Tamannya terawat dengan baik dan area kolam bagus. Saya baru menyadari bahwa kamar kami memiliki jendela besar yang sebenarnya bisa dibuka lebar, sehingga kamar kami akan terasa seperti kamar outdoor.
(-) Mereka tidak menyediakan shower gel dan sampo. Ubin kamar mandi kami tampak agak berlumpur, yang saya saya adalah noda lama. Pantainya juga bukan yang terbersih, Daddy menemukan pecahan kaca, agak berbahaya. Mereka juga tidak menyediakan banyak handuk.
We were pretty sad that we had to leave Labuan Bajo eventually. Our holiday was almost over, at least we still could chill and enjoy our last couple days at Bintang Flores hotel before flying back to Bali, then Jakarta. :)
Kami sangat sedih karena akhirnya kami harus meninggalkan Labuan Bajo. Liburan kami hampir berakhir waktu itu, setidaknya kami masih bisa bersantai dan menikmati beberapa hari terakhir kami di hotel Bintang Flores sebelum terbang kembali ke Bali, lalu Jakarta. :)
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